Isn’t this an adorable gift idea? We made this at my upline’s Elite Night
Class! She comes up with the best projects for those of us that earn the special night each quarter.
How would you like to make one for yourself or a friend—and even bring a friend?
This uses the Simply Scrappin’ Kit, Petal Party but you could use any designer paper with stamps or another Simply Scrappin’ Kit.
Class Date: June 22nd, Frederick Church of Christ ,7 PM til 9 PM
or June 27th, My stamp room, 10 AM til 12 Noon
Cost: $25.00 (you’ll receive a full Simply Scrappin Kit that will give you the supplies to make at least 3 of these boxes, plus directions to repeat at home)
Deadline for registration: June 3rd
Bring your own adhesive, sticky strip, scissors and 12” personal cutter and bone folder (if you need to preorder any of these items, please let me know when you register)
Closed View
Can’t attend the class? Order a Class to Go Kit by mail for only $35 (includes shipping and everything pre-cut for you to create 3 boxes)